Our boutique hotel collection targets dynamic university towns across the US and the UK.
With 35 properties, Graduate Hotels have become well-curated and well-crafted fixtures in university towns across the US and UK. Every property commemorates and cultivates the spirit of each community in a bright new way, making it the smartest place to stay.
Each university acts as an anchor institution in the community and provides Graduate Hotel investments with a stable demand base that limits volatility throughout cycles. University-anchored cities benefit from an educated workforce and a natural incubator for innovation and job creation. This dynamic has led to lower unemployment, a growing population, increased technology presence, and higher discretionary income. Graduate Hotels is uniquely positioned to capitalize on these benefits.
Through CLASS®, our dedicated public-private partnership program, we also help universities and foundations successfully finance, develop, and operate Graduate Hotels on campus.
Ann Arbor, MI
Annapolis, MD
Athens, GA
Berkeley, CA
Bloomington, IN
Cambridge, UK
Chapel Hill, NC
Charlottesville, VA
Cincinnati, OH
Columbia, SC
Columbus, OH
East Lansing, MI
Eugene, OR
Evanston, IL
Fayetteville, AR
Iowa City, IA
Knoxville, TN
Lincoln, NE
Madison, WI
Minneapolis, MN
Nashville, TN
New Haven, CT
Oxford, MS
Oxford, UK
Providence, RI
Richmond, VA
Roosevelt Island, NY
Seattle, WA
State College, PA
Storrs, CT
Tempe, AZ
Tucson, AZ
Graduate Dallas
Graduate Palo Alto
Graduate Princeton
Public-Private Partnerships
Learn more about CLASS®, our dedicated public-private partnership program for universities.
Graduate Hotels CLASS® ProgramMinim minim cillum qui enim laboris laboris occaecat fugiat consequat laboris consectetur mollit labore non. Ut exercitation velit sunt tempor magna reprehenderit. Nisi fugiat irure esse occaecat consectetur fugiat eu. Ipsum elit consectetur id ut cillum amet incididunt esse culpa pariatur aliqua non. Aliqua ipsum consectetur aliquip duis aliquip laboris laboris consectetur labore proident. Amet et cupidatat velit do enim elit est