Opportunity Zones

Reinvest capital gains into lifestyle-driven investments.

QOZ Investment Benefits:

The following table compares two potential investments using the same $1 million pre-tax capital gain; one is a traditional, taxable investment, and the other is a QOZ investment.

After 10 years, the QOZ investment receives an after-tax return that is 63% higher than the traditional investment over the same time period.

  • Reinvest capital gains

    Reinvest capital gains

    Reinvest capital gains into a QOZ vehicle within 180 days of realization. Defer taxes on those original gains for 5 years.

  • Reduce taxes

    Reduce taxes

    After 10 years, eliminate taxes on capital gains the QOZ vehicle generates.

  • Strengthen returns

    Strengthen returns

    Boost after-tax return by more than 60%*

Significant Benefit to After-Tax Returns** Traditional Investment ($) QOZ Investment ($)
Capital Gains from Sale of Original Investment $1,000,000 $1,000,000
Capital Gains Taxes Due @ 23.8%*** (238,000) -
Reinvestable Capital Gains 762,000 1,000,000
Deferred Tax Due in 2027 @ 28.0%**** (Includes 10% step-up for QOZ investments held at least five years) - (252,000)
Total Return on Invested Capital at 10-Year Hold***** 1,241,218 1,710,339
Capital Gains Taxes Due in 10 Years @ 28.0%**** (347,541) N/A
Total Return (after-tax) $893,677 $1,458,339
Multiple on $1 million Gain (after-tax) 1.89x 2.46x

*60%+ higher projected returns assuming 5% annual investment appreciation, 10% tax reduction in 2026 and eliminating tax liabilities after 10 years

**This table is for illustrative purposes only and does not reflect an actual investment. The amounts shown are not net of fees and carry in either the traditional investment or the QOZ investment. This is to illustrate the tax benefits of QOZ investments prior to any fee structures. SOURCE: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/opportunity-zones

***23.8% tax rate reflective of current capital gains tax (20.0%) + net investment income surtax rate (3.8%).

****Combined 28.0% tax rate reflective of proposed increase to long-term capital gains tax (from 20.0% to 25.0%) by Biden administration + net investment income surtax rate (3.0%).

*****Assumes 5% annual investment appreciation

AJ's QOZ Investments

AJ is committed to making positive impacts in underserved communities. AJ is actively investing over $1.1 billion of capital across 7 Opportunity Zone investment vehicles.

7 OZ vehicles
$1.1B Total Capitalization
5 Asset classes

Contact Investor Relations

We combine strategic asset selection with a passion for placemaking. Our experience is anchored on a progressive, creative approach to development and the application of its deeply rooted hospitality expertise across real estate asset categories, including mixed-use, hotel, creative office, single-family, multifamily, and retail.


Little River, Miami

Little River is a long-term neighborhood project consisting of adaptive reuse and ground-up construction. AJ aims to preserve the cultural enclave’s creative energy and local charm, with 25 acres of land throughout the neighborhood, encompassing more than 350,000 square feet of commercial space. Through thoughtful adaptive reuse, substantial streetscape investment, and approachable ground-up development, the project will support the expansion of the overall neighborhood and cultivate a connected community, encouraging pedestrian activity and shared gathering spaces throughout.


Wedgewood Houston, Nashville

AJ is an active investor, developer, and manager of several ground-up and adaptive reuse mixed-use developments in Wedgewood Houston. These creative projects will launch in three phases. Every phase has a distinct feel that honors the local and historical context of each unique property and the larger neighborhood. We develop spaces and experiences that are at home within their communities.